
Each person is wonderfully unique. The body gives us messages where attentionĀ is needed. When there is that attention, patterns unwind, pain is relieved, freedoms are achieved, and new possibilities open up. It is a beautiful journey, and I am grateful to be a part of it!

My practice focuses on:

  • Trigger Point: for most chronic pain issues or patterns including headaches and migraines
  • Medical Cupping: negative pressure assists in detoxing, rehydrating/revitalizing tissues, chronic pain, frozen shoulder, lower back issues, IT band issues, post sports events, lymphatic drainage Click here to learn more.
  • Deep Tissue: for grounding, chronic pain, injury rehabilitation
  • Swedish: for calming, nurturing, connecting to self
  • Connective Tissue: for balancing, lengthening, re-alignment. myofascial release
  • Cranial Sacral: unwinding stuck patterns, calming the mind

I am also well-versed in pre-natal, hot stone, anchor/stretch, magnet therapy, passive and active resistance.